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アメリカ村 DROP


心斎橋 club DROP 12th Anniversary meets the index 30th Anniversary "Rock'n'Roll Junkies vol.4"


The index / 地獄車 / CAMEREON / DUB 4 REASON / MI-RO-KU / Secret SessionS


OPEN/START 18:00/18:30

ADV/DOOR ¥2,500/¥3,000 (w/o drink) イープラス発売)



北堀江club vijon


Error / CAMEREON / Perfect Crime / Listed-Not / LIPSTICK SCANDAL / BLACKCLUB / the バーダック


OPEN/START 16:30/17:00

ADV/DOOR ¥2,500/¥3,000 別途Drink代¥600  


(問)北堀江club vijon 06-6539-7411



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